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A Trainer Designed and Built for Flight Schools

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Flight Training Performance

The RV-12iST SLSA Trainer Aircraft combines the total performance that Van’s Aircraft is known for with the simplicity of a light-sport trainer, all in a factory-built airplane specifically configured with the unique needs of flight schools in mind.  Available in configurations enabling IFR training with full GPS and VOR/LOC/GS navigation, this aircraft puts students in the seat of a capable, modern aircraft and enables flight schools to maintain their fleet in an always-ready, cost–effective manner.

Heavy-duty brakes, a durable interior and strong landing gear system are designed to exceed certification requirements and to withstand the type of abuse student pilots exert on airplanes. Van’s Aircraft understands how important it is for your training aircraft to always be flying. We maintain a ready inventory of parts for both maintenance and repair. Our support team takes seriously the responsibility associated with ensuring our customers’ aircraft are available for rental and lessons at all times.

Plus, it’s just “plane” fun to fly. This is not your grandfather’s Cessna 150! It’s an airplane that students find intuitive and easy to learn in. Excellent visibility, industry-leading useful load, ability to operate at higher altitudes, and docile landing characteristics are just a few of the desirable attributes of this nimble aircraft.

A spacious and ergonomic cabin, comfortable for pilots and passengers up to 6’4”, and a baggage area capable of hauling up to 75 lbs make the RV-12iST a serious cross-country machine. Add to that a range of up to 655 miles!

The RV-12iST SLSA was designed in the United States and is assembled at our Oregon factory using parts manufactured at Van’s headquarters in Aurora, Oregon.

Find out why the RV-12iST is the best option for your flight school today! Give us a call and let’s set up an opportunity for you to discover this great trainer aircraft in person.

Van’s Aircraft and the FAA: Collaborative Commitment to Safety

Van’s Aircraft and the Federal Aviation Administration have partnered and implemented a voluntary Partnership for Safety Plan (PSP) for the RV-12 models. In fact, Van’s Aircraft is the only LSA manufacturer to implement a PSP, a sign of Van’s commitment to safety and transparency. The PSP program facilitates effective interaction between the FAA and Van’s Aircraft, ensuring we maintain or exceed expected levels of safety. It provides regular FAA oversight of Van’s SLSA certification processes and continued operational safety (COS) program.

  • Built and supported by a company with a strong 45 year history
  • Only LSA manufacturer with a Partnership for Safety Plan (PSP) program with the FAA
  • Much lower operating costs and better reliability than the legacy fleet
  • Low maintenance cost, quickly available replacement parts
  • Insurance costs comparable to legacy fleet of aging aircraft
  • Enhanced-duty brakes and landing gear attachment
  • Available as a fully-capable IFR trainer with smart autopilot
  • Outperforms other trainers in cruise, climb, altitude, handling
  • Excellent useful load relative to other light-sport class aircraft
  • An extra instructor push-to-talk switch, located on the panel
  • Trailerable with removable wings when transport is needed

Powerplant: Four-Stroke Rotax Power

Real-world experience has proven the 100-horsepower Rotax 912 iS Sport fuel-injected engine to be durable, reliable and economical.  Its Electronic Control Unit provides fleet maintenance staff with immediate, detailed information to help monitor and maintain the engine system. Operated on either 100LL or unleaded auto fuel, it delivers a greater climb rate and higher service ceiling than classic engines common to the aging training fleet. It’s typical to experience fuel consumption of four gallons per hour — and possibly even less — in cruise, which translates into lower operating costs and higher profit potential for your business.

The Latest in Advanced Avionics

The RV-12iST panel features the Garmin G3X Touch or Dynon Skyview HDX glass-panel system, including synthetic vision. Van’s Aircraft works closely with avionics manufacturers to support their latest system capabilities and software enhancements. Addition of the Garmin GTN 650 IFR navigator enables the RV-12iST to be used as an instrument training platform. Other features include 2020-compliant ADS-B In and Out functionality with weather & traffic, complete engine instrumentation and data recording, user-definable checklists, automated maintenance records and reminders, and optional autopilot controls.  A second EFIS display can be added, providing even more information to the instructor, while not impacting the student’s view of the instruments.

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