Tom Dubrouillet | Rock HIll, SC RV-8 #83563
Congratulations to Tom, who sends us a belated first-flight report on his RV-8!
RV-8 N563RV had its first flight on 1/9/19 after 2 years and 9 months of building and painting. I used standard wing and tail kits with a QB fuselage kit.
She’s equipped with Lycoming IO360 and Hartzell CS Prop, and a Garmin G3X touch panel.
I had about 1000 hrs in 4, 6, 7A, and 8 models and 563RV performed exactly as expected, with no trims required for straight and level flight.
The RV grin was apparent after the first flight.
I just rolled past 250 hrs on the bird, and love it. Now I’m starting to get the itch to build again and thinking about a 14!
Thanks Van’s for a great design family!!