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All First Flights

Simon Boynett’s RV-7 | Leicestershire UK RV-7 #72126

Cheers to Simon on the completion and first flight of his RV-7! He writes:

First flight was very exciting. I was filled with nervous anticipation during the short taxi to the end of the grass runway. All checks done, sun was shining, slight breeze down the runway. Full power 2650 rpm no problems, tail up and within seconds, she lifted off beautifully, flaps up, power retarded and prop course.

Everything is perfect, very slight right wing low but apart from that fabulous. I was starting to relax now and enjoy the flight, Van’s grin fixed in place. . . . . . . . . Then a bit of nose down to check out a higher speed, 165 knots and wow a deafening howling, I couldn’t hear myself think or concentrate at all! Van’s grin temporarily removed, speed reduced and all back to normal. I flew around for a while enjoying every second, normal landing. She was almost perfect.

I took a quick look on Van’s forum page, a few others with the same problem. The fwd seal between the canopy and fuselage was the issue so I took her back into the hangar and replaced the seal. We did a second test, and all is well. She flies beautifully. I love this airplane so much, a lot of my blood, sweat and tears in her, my Van’s grin is now permanent.

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