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FIrst FLights

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John A. Heit’s RV-14A | Helena, Montana RV-14A #140484

Congratulations to John on his first flight! He writes: Flies like a rocket! Very responsive with no bad habits; great visibility. Thanks to my wife (Laura) and son (Kevin {A&P}), Ron Rasmuson (A&P/IA, RV-6A builder), Al Hathy (A&P/IA, Globe Swift restorer), Marlin Sander (RV-7A builder), Lance Seaman (RV-8A builder), Woody Hopler (F15 and RV-7 driver) […] Read More

Adam Wachtel’s RV-7 | Thornhill, Ontario Canada RV-7 #70770

Congratulations to Adam on the first flight of his beautiful RV-7! He writes: While building I would look at this first flight page and wonder how anyone could wait an extra minute to post their first flight. Here I am one year later and only posting mine now. A testament to how much fun it […] Read More

Scott Johnstone’s RV-12 | Niagara, Canada RV-12 #121110

Scott writes: Despite the nerves the first flight was uneventful and it was an absolute joy to cruise smoothly through the air in this beautiful little machine. Thanks to Grace, William, Sydney and Elizabeth for their patience (C-GWSE).

Alexander Cole’s RV-14A | Oviedo, Florida RV-14A #140509

Alexander wrote in to let us know about the first flight of his RV-14A: N14YZ had her first flight on April 13, 2021 – she flew almost perfectly and I could trim for hands-off flight. Thankfully, the day was uneventful, but likely because of all the preparation and planning that went into it.  First, I’ll […] Read More

Max and Elaine Cloward’s RV-7A | Draper, Utah RV-7A #71170

Congratulations to Max and Elaine on their new RV-7A! Max writes: Wheels up was almost exactly on schedule at 10:30am this morning, Saturday November 20 2021. What a wonderful experience! Gently apply power, the airplane started to accelerate. Then nearing full power the airplane jumped forward. At 50 kts slight back pressure, the nose came up […] Read More

George Jenson’s RV-7 | Tucson, Arizona RV-7 #72026

Congratulations to George on the new RV-7! He writes: Paul Dye was the test pilot and flew two flights with time in between for cowl removal and inspection. No major squawks. I’ll fly as soon as I finish some transition training.

Paul Chastain’s RV-12 | Fort Worth, Texas. Hicks Airfield T67 RV-12 #120881

Congratulations to Josh and Paul, who recently wrote in to let us know that they completed their RV: After a six-year build, my son, Josh, and I completed our RV-12, N623RV! She flies beautifully and is a great well-balanced plane! I definitely still have that RV grin every time I fly in her!

Carl Wood’s RV-14A | Tallahassee, Florida RV-14A #140769

Carl wrote in to let us know about the first flight of his RV-14A: When I gave it full power, I yelled “Wow”. The Io390-EXP 119 engine really makes a difference. Aircraft flew perfectly, stable and true! It was a cool day and the temps all remained excellent since I am currently flying my RV14, […] Read More

Gary Maier’s RV-14A | Erin, Wisconsin RV-14A #140555

My first flight happened almost 3 years to the day of a demo flight at Van’s and 10 years that I got my Private Pilot license. What an amazing adventure! The flight was more than awesome and I look forward to many more.

Tony, Karlyn, and Keegan Leth’s RV-12 | Minnesota RV-12 #120570

Congratulations to the Leth family on their new RV-12! Two words explain our first flight after a couple of years building the family plane with my daughter and son – RV GRIN! “It’s a great day when you fly the plane you built!” -Tony Leth

Peter Winter’s RV-12 | Latrobe Valley, Australia RV-12iS #121056

Congratulations Peter! First flight went very well, 2 flights on the day totaling 1 hour. Flys perfectly straight and had no issues . Pulled the cowls off after flight and all good. This is the second time I’ve had the RV grin after building an RV-7, I’ve just started another RV-7 build as well. 

Jürgen Amtmann’s RV-6A | Alamogordo, New Mexico RV-6A #20623

Congratulations on the first flight of your RV-6A, Jürgen: Started building in 1989 in Del Mar California in my garage and got the wings, fuselage, and tail feathers done before having to move to Santa Fe New Mexico. I finished the plane at Moriarty Airport and started flying in February 2021. What a relief to […] Read More

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