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Mark Scarboro’s RV-14 | Greensboro, North Carolina RV-14 #140458

Mark wrote in to let us know he has completed and flown his new RV-14:

Approximately 25 years ago my A&P instructor took the class to his house to show us the RV-4 he was building in his basement, obviously the seed was planted. N141MS took flight on August 10, 2021, 3 ½ years after ordering the tail kit. I got the family and friends up early to help me launch right at daybreak before the airport got busy and before the outside temperature got hot. Greensboro ATC was excellent in letting me orbit overhead for over an hour. The RV-14 is just a pleasure to fly, very well balanced and true. Only two minor avionics config discrepancies noted during the flight that were easily fixed after landing. The plane is equipped with the standard IO-390, Hartzell 74” CS prop, one slick, one P-Mag, a gorgeous FlightLine Interior (thanks Abby) and a Garmin avionics package. A special thanks goes out to my wife and kids who helped peel blue plastic, debur, buck, and put up with dad spending long hours in the shop. Also, thank you, Van’s Aircraft, for putting together such a complete kit!

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