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All First Flights

Felice Lima’s New RV-14A | Catania, Italy RV-14A #140436

Congrats to Felice, who writes:

In November 2019 my RV-14A, I-LJMA, made the first flight.
The RV-14 is an extraordinary aircraft.
In flight he did very well, with great performances.
Now we are doing the test flights and solving some problems: for example, we replace the kit brakes with other more efficient.
I hope to be able to make wonderful trips together with my wife as soon as possible.
Thanks to Van’s Aircraft for its wonderful projects and customer support.

And many thanks to those who made that my plane could fly and be so beautiful: my wife, Mariella, Stefano Arcifa, David Rosa, Biagio Picarella, Massimo Castelli, Aldo Bressanello, Paolo Messaglia. Thanks also to Francesca Razzano and Air Team.

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