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All First Flights

Alan Dyck’s RV-8 | Toronto, Canada RV-8 #81792

Congrats to Alan on the first flight of his RV-8:

On a cold (-9C) winter day after 2 yrs 9 months of building RV-8 SN-81792 finally took to the air. She flew as you expect an RV to fly, smooth and responsive. Great performance from the Whirlwind 3 blade composite prop….really stuffs you back in the seat on the TO roll! A number of firsts for me on this flight…1st flight in 2025, 1st flight in an 8, 1st time behind a CS prop, 1st time time flying a fuel injected engine, 1st time behind an AFS panel. Except for the lack of heat everything went great with no issues! My thanks to Van’s for a great design, VAF for a great resource, my buddies for all the building assistance, and my wife for her support! Awesome day!!

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