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All First Flights

Adrien Gabolde’s RV-7 | France RV-7 #74828

Congratulations to Adrien on the completion of his new RV-7! He writes:

Building the RV-7 was an amazing experience.

The planning, the days spent in the hangar with my friend Xavier (also a builder), the questions, and solving (small) issues – I miss all of that today!
On March 20th, after 4 years of building, some paperwork and preparation for any possible first flight challenges, I went full throttle and the magic happened! Everything in the green, the plane flies beautifully. One wing is slightly heavy, which will be resolved by fine-tuning the trailing edge of the aileron. What a joy! And what a joy it is to fly now.

Thanks to Xavier and Anna for all those moments, and to my wife for supporting my commitment.

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