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All First Flights

Daffydd F. Hermann’s RV-7A | Sidney Island, British Columbia, Canada RV-7A #72375

Sky’s the limit for Daffydd! Applauding his successful debut flight with the RV-7A. Here’s to many more thrilling adventures! He shares:

My wife and I bought the kit from the original purchaser in 2012. Shortly after the purchase, life got in the way for a while (about 8 years) including my wife taking on cancer and beating it, raising our teen kids, and building a new home. In August 2020 it was time to make that tough go, no-go decision as not much progress had been made so far. I got going and never looked back with support from Bevan Tomm, a longtime friend and 7A builder, and the expert builder assistance from multi experimental builder, Jerome Carsh.

I built the IO-375 engine in one day at Aero Sport Power’s builder’s school with the expert assistance of Kelly Lamarche, and Darren Jones.

I can’t say enough about the many great people at Van’s who were always there to fill my orders, answer my many dumb questions, and share their advice.

My first flight was nothing but exciting in a good way. Scott Jackson, RV6 builder/owner agreed to be my instructor for the first few flights. He took this picture as evidence of the RV Grin as we circled CYNJ for the first 40-minute flight. My wife and I get that grin every time we fly.

I can say that once I got going and making progress, I really enjoyed the build process because of the continuous learning and connecting with many fine people in the close-knit RV community.

There is a before and after picture of the panel and a few photos of the celebration after our first flight.

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