Bill Verduin’s RV-7 | Zeeland, Michigan RV-7 #73043
Congrats on the new RV-7 Bill!
Built RV-4 number 1628 25 years ago and needed a project, so in 2008 I started and accidentally finished this month. Weight is 1039 but airplane is as light as it ever will be. Took off heat muff and plugged the hole in the baffling so that all the air would be for cooling. Engine ran cool CHT 370 oil 170 so will start installing blast tubes and reinstall the heat muff. Have a heavy wing but very controllable. Engine is O-360 with a Sensenich prop. Have one Grand Rapids EFIS with remote avionics. Wiring was much easier then I expected but I have a very simple setup. Thanks for a great product and if I find a partner to do all the crawling in and out I’ll start another one.