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Henkjan van der Zouw’s RV-10 | Utrecht, Netherlands RV-10 #40355

Congratulations to Henkjan on his new RV-10! He writes:

Finally, after fifteen years from start, the PH-ZME made its first flight, the first four years of the build went fast. but after that things happened in life that slowed down the finishing process. The project sat in the corner of our workshop for a number of years. About two years ago I managed to pick up the work again, got it painted, and moved to my hangar at Lelystad Airport. I managed to get it assembled and finished in between lockdowns. After working on some minor tweaks for a few months there were no excuses any longer not to go fly. Together with my good friend Tim Weert I opened the throttle and amazingly (but not surprisingly) it flew straight off the runway. Climbed to 2000 feet above the field and stayed there for an hour. No corrections needed, all in the green! Bored 160 knot holes in the sky. Thanks to Van’s for an outstanding kit. More info can be found at: https://www.aironline.nl/weblog/2020/12/16/ph-zme-vans-rv-10-maakt-maiden-flight/ 

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