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All First Flights

Kay Stecklum’s New RV-7 | Lindau - Germany RV-7 #73571

Congratulations to Kay, who sent this RV-7 first-flight report!

Started 11 years ago, but with a 7 year break in between. That makes 4 years, which isn’t to bad. She has an io-375 spinning an Hartzell CS. Dynon Skyview with a lot of steam gauges. 1095 lbs, CG is perfect.

First 20 minutes flight was performed by Sascha Graf, CFI and RV-7 owner. After that i hopped in. She flies absolutely beautiful and well balanced. Runs like crazy, no heavy wing and all systems worked well. Engine parameters were ok and she made 150 knots without wheel pants and no full throttle. I just couldn’t expect more. When i saw 7000 ft after very short time, I thought my altimeter is broken, but it was not!!! 😀

No paint yet, fiberglass not finished but she is already the most beautiful machine. Just love her…

Big thanks to Vans and the RV community!!! Looking forward to many years of fun.

To the guys still pounding rivets and pulling wires… don’t give up!!! It’s worth it. I’m not the first one you says that but it’s absolutely true.


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